Solar2Chem: Training the next generation of scientists in solar chemicals for a sustainable Europe by hybrid molecule/semiconductor devices

Solar chemicals are starting to play a continually bigger role as an ecologically safe energy source. Despite this and their capability for industrial and civilian use, the European industrial landscape has been lacking in research on solar chemicals. The EU-funded SOLAR2CHEM project aims to train 15 new researchers in state-of-the-art concepts and techniques with a focus on physical sciences to research hybrid devices for producing solar chemicals. They will also take into account the environmental footprint in manufacturing, and promote the use of solar chemicals in both the European industry and the private sector.
The project will also aim to develop novel carbon nitride-based photoanodes and exploit their unique reactivity for the selective oxidation of organic substrates. The ultimate objective is to develop alternative oxidation processes to water oxidation and to produce high-value chemicals that allow early-stage commercialisation.