Policy evaluation: carbon footprint information

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The ability to influence consumer behavior through carbon footprint information is a key strategy in reducing the environmental impact of food choices, which plays a significant role in addressing climate change. This project incorporates 2 field experiments conducted in collaboration with an Italian restaurant brand in the UK, to assess the effect of carbon footprint information on consumer behaviour. The first experiment will focus on the provision of carbon footprint information on the table menu and aims to investigate the impact on customer’s food choices. Specifically, the study will look at the effect of carbon footprint information on the probability of customers choosing a “vegan swap” meal, which refers to an option that replaces a traditional meat-based dish with a vegan alternative.

The second experiment will focus on “grab-and-go” restaurants, where customers make their food choices quickly and often with less time to consider the options. In this experiment, carbon footprint labelling will be implemented on digital menu boards and ordering “kiosks”, which will give insight on the environmental impact of the dish. This experiment will be designed to understand the effectiveness of carbon footprint labelling, in comparison to providing carbon footprint information alone.

The results of this project will provide an understanding of how carbon footprint information can be effectively used to encourage customers to make more sustainable food choices. The findings will be useful for restaurant managers and policymakers looking for ways to promote more sustainable food choices.