Next Generation 3D Interdigitated Semi-Artificial Photosynthetic Systems

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Photosynthesis is the primary light energy conversion process that underpins life, food security, and carbon/nitrogen/oxygen cycles on Earth. The complex chemistry and biophysics occurring within photosynthetic organisms are both inspirational and baffling to scientists of many disciplines, the unravelling of which could have a far-reaching impact on agricultural and bio-energy technologies in the future.

Electrochemistry is a sensitive and quantitative technique for interrogating redox processes and lies at the heart of many energy conversion technologies, sensor technologies, and synthetic processes. The project aims to ‘wire’ photosynthetic proteins, components and even living organisms to electrodes for electrochemical analysis to better understand the fundamental redox chemistry, pathways, and bottlenecks that lie within photosynthesis and at the bio-electrode interface. It will work with theoreticians to develop models for explaining, and eventually predicting and controlling electron transfer pathways at the bio-electrode interface.