FIDELIO: Forecasting social impacts of biodiversity conservation policies in Europe

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Designating Protected Areas (PAs) is the one of the most important policy tools for biodiversity conservation. Over 100 new PAs have been established in the past 36 months in European Union territory. However, effective management of PAs is often obstructed by conflicts mainly associated with the social impacts (SIs) imposed on local communities by their establishment.

The aim of FIDELIO is to develop, for the first time, a new paradigm to understand how perceptions of SIs are formulated, considering the dimensions of space and time. The project will increase public engagement and incorporate local opinions in decision-making, facilitating policy development and reducing conflicts between different stakeholders in PAs. Ultimately, FIDELIO will contribute to a better understanding of SIs, facilitate predictions for their future changes, and maximize social benefits for local communities arising from the designation of a PA.