Enhanced Methodologies for Advanced Nuclear System Safety (eMEANSS)

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A re-assessment of the impact of uncertainties within the nuclear industry is of paramount importance, not only for ensuring the continued safety of nuclear energy systems but also for the economic viability of nuclear power, in the hopes of continuously reducing CO2 emissions globally.

Methods will be synthesised as part of this project to improve the estimation of uncertainty/safety, bringing together researchers specialising in reactor physics, fuel performance, structural materials and uncertainty quantification. It will test new methods in reactor physics by considering the uncertainties propagated through a severe nuclear reactor accident assessment, specifically a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), while also targeting to reduce uncertainties related to properties. Moreover, it will focus on developing a design tool to predict the fatigue failure of graphite components in next-generation reactors and aim to improve nuclear fuel performance codes by addressing uncertainties and incorporating mechanistic models to expedite the licensing and commercial use of novel fuels. Ultimately, the project seeks to disseminate its findings through publications and workshops to ensure the successful application of its impacts.