CCG (Climate Compatible Growth)
In many Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), a significant portion of the population still lacks access to electricity, transportation, and other basic amenities that are often taken for granted in high-income nations. To overcome these challenges, LMICs need significant investments from global investors like the World Bank. However, due to factors such as poor coordination and outdated processes, the business cases for investment often lack the strength needed to inspire confidence from major banks and development finance organisations.
The project collaborates with Kenya, Zambia, Ghana, Vietnam, India, and Laos, focusing on creating partnerships with local universities and government departments, such as Ministries of Energy and Finance. It builds decision-making capacity through training and education, particularly in energy modeling. By collecting data and using analytical tools like OSeMOSYS or FinPlan, the project helps countries evaluate various scenarios, such as transitioning to solar or nuclear power, and assess policy impacts on investment. This “Data-to-Deal” approach supports countries in developing projects to reduce emissions and fosters local research capacity for future exploration.