PRISMA: Net zero Pathway Research through Integrated Assessment Model Advancements
The ambition to achieve the Paris Agreement goals has led to the realization that a rapid and full decarbonization of the economy is required, involving a structural transition of the current economy and society. With the rise of quantified policy targets, policy packages, and consideration of multiple dimensions and sectors, Integrated Assessment Models with their ability to consider complex relationships and provide calibrated numerical results have become ever more important in the last decade.
The PRISMA project aims to bring these models to the next level by focusing on four key areas of improvement, namely the representation of distributional justice and efficiency, innovation and finance, climate impacts and land-use implications, and lifestyle change and circularity. The extensive model development will be co-designed through an interactive stakeholder engagement process from the beginning, and focus on model openness and usability to ensure stakeholder and policy relevance. Additionally, PRISMA will concentrate on analyzing the spectrum of the EU’s Fit for 55 package policies, developing targeted, robust, and resilient net-zero pathways while assessing the uncertainties surrounding key variables and outcomes. PRISMA will also provide key insights to international climate assessments, and a large number of open modelling tools and databases, including capacity building and dissemination activities for all countries.